NBFC Parking Survey Final Report 2019



Faculty working on the New Brunswick Campus were surveyed in 2018 via the official all NB faculty list, reaching over 4600 list members. Of these, 869 completed responses were received (18.9% response rate).

The comments expressed concern primarily about availability of parking spaces in proximity to primary work location and cost of parking. Parking availability for visitors and guests was also a major concern. The quantitative portions of the survey identify the same issues of concern. Ice and snow removal, disabled parking, and general opening schedule of lots were viewed with more satisfaction. Monday through Thursday are the busiest parking times, but there is no great difference between these days, or morning and evening activity on those days. The plurality of respondents park on campus 5 days a week. Although satisfaction was higher on individual issues such as communication, satisfaction with parking overall is lower, with 54% being moderately satisfied or higher, and 24% not at all satisfied. Campuses have similar concerns as measured by ratings, although the loss of spaces on College Ave is particularly noted in the comments. Comments also repeatedly note the unhelpful attitudes experienced during interactions with the parking department.

The Budget, Planning, and Infrastructure Committee recommends the following:

  • Make efforts to ensure greater availability of parking close to the place of work.
  • Make greater provision for visitor and guest parking across all campuses.
  • Improve communication and work together with faculty to address concerns and dissatisfaction, particularly with the customer service aspects of dealing with Transportation Services.

Transportation Services should meet with NBFC to discuss how AY 2019 parking changes (license plate based registration, new website, etc.) have impacted issues identified in the 2018 survey.

Survey results, including breakouts by home campus of results and individual comments, are summarized by question in the attached full committee report.
