Meeting Agenda of May 13, 2011

New Brunswick Faculty Council
Agenda for Meeting #181
May 13, 2011 

  1. Call to Order - Ken McKeever, NBFC Chairman.
  2. Approval of Agenda and Minutes.
  3. Administrative Report Philip Furmanski, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs.
  4. Report - On the Livingston Campus Construction Projects - Antonio Calcado, Vice President, University Facilities and Capital Planning.
  5. Report - On the University's response to the recent open letter from AAUP regarding “Anti-Semitism on Campus”: - Gregory Blimling, Vice President for Student Affairs.
  6. Report - On the University Senate recommendation on the “10 yr rule”: - Paul Panayotatos, Chair of the University Senate and Chair of the NBFC Faculty Affairs and Personnel Policy Committee.
  7. Committee Reports.
  8. Nomination and election of Chair-Elect.
  9. Old Business.
  10. New Business.
  11. Adjournment.