Meeting Agenda of February 3, 2012

New Brunswick Faculty Council
Agenda for Meeting #184
February 3, 2012 

  1. Call to Order – Joel Shapiro, NBFC Chairman
  2. Approval of Agenda 
  3. Approval of Minutes for Dec. 2, 2011 
  4. Results from the bylaw election
  5. Administrative Report - Richard Edwards, Interim Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs 
  6. Report by Monica Devanas on student evaluations of courses
  7. Response to the Barer Final Report. 
  8. Faculty Athletic Representative.
  9. Proposed charge to an ad hoc (Structure and Governance?) Committee on a major rewrite of the bylaws.
  10. Other possible charges to committees, perhaps
    • Discussion on patents: obstacles, why so few?
    • Faculty run meeting of department chairs?
    • Who are our peers in AAU and what can we learn from them?
  11. Old Business
  12. New Business 
  13. Adjournment