Meeting Agenda of February 3, 2012
New Brunswick Faculty Council
Agenda for Meeting #184
February 3, 2012
- Call to Order – Joel Shapiro, NBFC Chairman
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of Minutes for Dec. 2, 2011
- Results from the bylaw election
- Administrative Report - Richard Edwards, Interim Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
- Report by Monica Devanas on student evaluations of courses
- Response to the Barer Final Report.
- Faculty Athletic Representative.
- Proposed charge to an ad hoc (Structure and Governance?) Committee on a major rewrite of the bylaws.
- Other possible charges to committees, perhaps
- Discussion on patents: obstacles, why so few?
- Faculty run meeting of department chairs?
- Who are our peers in AAU and what can we learn from them?
- Old Business
- New Business
- Adjournment