Meeting Agenda of September 28, 2012

New Brunswick Faculty Council
Agenda for Meeting #187
September 28, 2012 

  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Agenda 
  3. Approval of Minutes for May 11, 2011 
  4. Discussion of the status of South China initiative and the resolution on this which was passed at our last meeting.
  5. Role of NBFC during considerations of how UMDNJ will be incorporated into Rutgers.
  6. Discussion of promotion/tenure issues after UMDNJ integration.
  7. NBFC and Rutgers Dashboard Indicators and "aspirant" institutions. 
  8. How Rutgers might get 20 departments to rank in the top 20 in their respective disciplines. 
  9. Review of a brief questionnaire to go to NBFC representatives and department chairs. 
  10. NBFC Committees with specific charges for each committee.
  11. Old Business
  12. New Business 
  13. Adjournment