Meeting Agenda of November 9, 2012

New Brunswick Faculty Council
Agenda for Meeting #188
November 9, 2012 

  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Agenda 
  3. Approval of Minutes for Sept 28, 2011.
  4. Chair’s Report:
    1. NBFC and Strategic Planning representation: action on motion at Sept. 28th NBFC meeting.
    2. Survey of NBFC representatives and respective department chairs: Review of department chairs for accuracy. Survey to be sent out Monday, November 12, 2012. Report due January 11, 2013.
    3. NBFC Membership: Affirmation by department Chairs of those elected to NBFC indicating length of time for representative to be on NBFC
  5. NBFC Specific Committee Charges and Expected Actions/Reports
    1. Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee (ASRAC):
      • Review of Dashboard Indicators and RU Institutional Profile Report to assess RU strengths and opportunities for advancement. Preliminary report due to NBFC Exec Committee NLT February 8, 2013.
    2. Budget and Planning Committee (B&PC):
      • Faculty role and participation in Strategic Planning Committee and in Facilities Master Plan. Preliminary report due to NBFC Exec Committee NLT January 11, 2013.
      • Monitor budget models appropriate to Research Universities. Preliminary report due to NBFC Exec Committee NLT February 8, 2013.
    3. Curriculum, Teaching & Honors Committee (CT&HC):
      • Review of Core Curriculum to determine what might apply to all schools and not just SAS. Preliminary report due to NBFC Exec Committee NLT January 11, 2013.
    4. Faculty Affairs & Personnel Policy Committee (FA&PPC):
      • Promotion/tenure recommendations regarding policies and procedures and the composition and role of the PRC after integration with UMDNJ. Preliminary report due to NBFC Exec Committee NLT January 11, 2013.
      • Academic Freedom for all faculty. Preliminary report due to NBFC Exec Committee NLT January 11, 2013.
    5. Library and Academic Resources Committee (L&ARC):
      • Monitor open access library initiative and report on any issues needing further faculty review. No reports due unless needed.
    6. Student Affairs Committee (SAC):
      • Organize panel discussion by student leaders on academic issues with “open mike” for student comments and participation. Preliminary report due to NBFC Exec Committee NLT January 11, 2013. Panel and open mike should occur in March 2013.
  6. Open Discussion of Faculty Issues:
    1. Definition of a “Faculty Member” and its relationship to Academic Freedom
    2. Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR) Report for NCAA compliance;
    3. Other issues
  7. Old Business
  8. New Business
  9. Adjournment