Meeting Agenda of February 1, 2013

New Brunswick Faculty Council
Agenda for Meeting #189 
February 1, 2013
Brower Commons, Rooms A, B, C
1:10 pm - 3:30 pm

  1. Call to Order

  2. Approval of Agenda

  3. Approval of Minutes for Nov 9, 2012

  4. Administration Report by Dick Edwards, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs.

  5. Chair’s Report

    1. NBFC Survey of NBFC representatives and department chairs: summary

    2. NBFC Membership and list of representatives

    3. Revision of Committee Charges from Nov 9, 2012 meeting

    4. Additional website underway for NBFC representatives’ participation and comments

  6. Matters Completed, Status, and Matters Pending [open discussion]

    1. Resolution on Athletic Budget from Spring 2012

    2. NBFC Strategic Planning Participation: NBFC resolution from Nov. 9,

      2012 and President Barchi’s inclusion of Faculty Councils

    3. Strategic Planning Processes: Integration with UMDNJ: budget, courses

      (clustering), research

    4. Online Teaching Initiatives

  7. Faculty Athletic Representative (FAR) Report: Tom Stephens

  8. NBFC Resolution on FAR Representative

  9. Library Report on Research Services: Ryan Womack

  10. Old Business

  11. New Business

  12. Adjourn