Meeting Agenda of March 8, 2013

New Brunswick Faculty Council
Agenda for Meeting #190
March 8, 2013
Brower Commons, Rooms A
1:10 pm - 3:30 pm

  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Agenda 
  3. Approval of Minutes for February 1, 2013
  4. Administration Report by Dick Edwards, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs.
    • Distribution of the Rutgers Strategic Planning Retreat document from the March 6, 2013 retreat
  5. Chair’s Report:
    1. VP Karen Stubaus has sent us a list of all NB/Piscataway tenure-track/tenured faculty which can be used to verify NBFC membership (see ByLaws change proposal below).
    2. Chair has failed to revive NBFC Committees. Need suggestions for how this might be accomplished.
  6. Pending Issues, Resolutions, Actions.
    1. Resolution on Athletic Budget from Spring 2012
    2. NBFC role in recommending FAR representative
    3. NBFC Strategic Planning Participation: March 6th / April retreats and March 15th meeting with Faculty Advisory representatives
    4. Strategic Planning Discussion: Faculty Perspectives [two page handout will be provided at NBFC meeting]
    5. Online Teaching Initiatives: MOOCs and related concerns
  7. Proposed ByLaws change.
    1. Current ByLaws specify one NBFC representative for departments with 15 or more tenure-track or tenured faculty. Departments smaller than that are aggregated to reach at least 15 total faculty.
    2. Proposed change is to allow for one representative for each department regardless of number of faculty (similar to a Senate).
    3. We might also discuss is three-year staggered terms should be continued. 
  8. Old Business
  9. New Business
  10. Adjournment