Meeting Minutes #253
Members Present: Marybeth Gasman, Atif Akin, Mason Ameri, Andrew Baker, Francois Berthiaume, Robert Boikess, Jack Bouchard, Enrique Curchitser, Thomas Davis, Barbara Faga, Thomas Figueira, Anna Haley, Marc Kalan, Eleanor LaPointe, Nick Linardopoulos, Mei Lin Lo, Kenneth McKeever, Anne McPherson, Christine Morales, Tugrul Ozel, Alexander Pichugin, Heather Pierce, Sue Shapses, Elisa Shernoff, Ted H. Szatrowski, Karen Thompson, Ryan Womack
Non-Members Present: Francine Conway, Chancellor-Provost, Rutgers-New Brunswick, Martha Cotter, NBFC Parliamentarian
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Chair Gasman on Friday, October 14, 2022, at 1:11 pm via Zoom.
2. Approval of the Agenda
The agenda was approved.
3. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of September 16, 2022
The minutes were approved.
4. Chair's Report – Marybeth Gasman
Chair Gasman welcomed everyone to the meeting and presented the following updates:
- The Executive Committee met with Michael Zwick, Senior Vice President of Research, and José M. Roman, head of the Institutional Review Board, to discuss the research recommendations from the Faculty Survey report.
- Chair Gasman met with staff from the Chancellor-Provost Office regarding an Academic Freedom Day.
- There will be a teaching conference in the spring.
- Faculty from across the diversity spectrum should take part in all events sponsored by the NBFC.
5. Administrative Report – Francine Conway, Chancellor-Provost, Rutgers-New Brunswick
Chancellor-Provost Conway addressed concerns noted by New Brunswick Faculty Council members:
- Dean Searches
- Rutgers–New Brunswick Bus System
- Class Scheduling
- Administrative Processes
- Academic Master Plan
- Dean Searches: The University Senate passed a resolution last year regarding searches for senior administrators, including Deans. The resolution, which deals with the search committee composition, transparency and representation of stakeholders can be found at and President Holloway’s response can be found at Faculty members noted concerns about the lack of transparency and communication during the current searches.
- Regarding the School of Arts and Sciences dean search, a search committee has been formed, a search firm has been retained, and listening sessions with faculty, staff, and students are taking place to see what the SAS community would like to see in their new dean. There are faculty and staff on the search committee.
- Regarding the School of Engineering dean search, the interim dean will have a two-year term. The dean search will begin next year.
- Regarding the School of Social Work dean search, faculty members were given short notice regarding an upcoming listening session.
- Rutgers–New Brunswick Bus System: Students have reported concerns about the timeliness, overcrowding, and cleanliness of the buses. Chancellor-Provost Conway advised that students raise the issue with RUSA, the New Brunswick student government organization, and identify specific concerns. A broader issue is balancing student and faculty needs in relation to the bus system. Chancellor-Provost Conway also recommended forming a working group to look into these concerns.
- Class Scheduling: Faculty noted concerns about the decision to schedule late classes, specifically that it harms students, faculty, learning, and morale. Chancellor-Provost Conway explained that Paul Hammond, Associate Vice Chancellor for Technology and Instruction, has discussed this concern with the New Brunswick Faculty Council. Chancellor-Provost Conway encouraged the New Brunswick Faculty Council to contact him regarding scheduling concerns and recommended forming a working group to look into this issue.
- Administrative Processes: Faculty identified a negative impact and barriers due to administrative processes, such as graduate admissions, travel systems, and grant administration. Chancellor-Provost Conway explained that she meets monthly with various faculty members, who have identified this crosscutting issue. Chancellor-Provost Conway seeks to have a series of campus wide conversations with those responsible for administrative processes, such as HR, OIT, facilities, finance, and infrastructure, to promote operational excellence. Faculty noted that they would like to move beyond the conversation stage to promote change. Chancellor-Provost Conway explained the importance of administrative leaders speaking with end users to hear about specific issues.
- Academic Master Plan: Faculty can get involved with the Academic Master Plan through completing a form on the Academic Master Plan website and through faculty members’ Deans. The form can be found at
6. Committee Reports:
Budget, Planning, & Infrastructure – Thomas Figueira, Chair
The committee discussed the following:
- Computer Equipment: The committee spoke with Tom Vosseler, Executive Director of Information Technology, regarding the disposition of computer equipment purchased with federal money at the height of the pandemic. A memo stated that research funds instead of teaching funds should be used for faculty computer equipment. A committee of the University Senate is also interested in this subject.
Athletic Affairs – Kenneth McKeever, Chair
The committee discussed the following:
- Upcoming Meetings and Committee Membership: There was a short meeting today, and the committee is seeking new members.
- Big 10 Academic Alliance: The committee is seeking to hear about the benefits of the Big 10 Academic Alliance, specifically financial benefits. Members would like for the Athletic Director to come speak with the committee. Furthermore, they spoke about the addition of USC and UCLA to Big 10 Academic Alliance, which may bring in new revenue to the university.
Student Affairs – Christine Morales, Chair
The committee discussed the following:
- Indigenous Student Data: The committee outlined a plan to gather data regarding indigenous students (e.g., financial aid, scholarships, number of New Jersey high school students, number of students enrolled in Rutgers, and offerings from other Big 10 schools).
- Class Scheduling: The committee noted concerns that late class scheduling could encourage burnout. The committee invites those with similar concerns to their meeting in November to get a better understanding of the issue. Julie Traxler, Associate Dean at SAS, will present in the first half of the meeting regarding academic mentoring and the Academic Success Portal, and the committee will discuss class scheduling in the second half of the meeting. Those interested in attending can contact Christine Morales.
Faculty and Personnel Affairs – Francois Berthiaume, Chair
The committee discussed the following:
- GREs and Graduate Studies: Committee members noted concerns regarding requiring the GREs. The committee is finalizing revisions to a report and will then send it to the Executive committee for approval. The School of Graduate Studies Executive Committee was notified of what the New Brunswick Faculty Council is doing regarding GREs. The F&PA committee would like to schedule a meeting with the SGS committee to discuss the basis for the SGS decisions regarding this issue.
- Promotion Packages: The committee would like to draft a resolution suggesting that in promotion package instructions, faculty should be encouraged to broadly highlight their DEI contributions in teaching, research and services.
- Part-Time Lecturer Survey: The committee is working on a PTL survey in relation to their work loads. In the discussion that followed, members suggested obtaining PTL data through OPRA or directly from the administration. The committee will send a request to Chancellor-Provost Conway.
Academic Affairs – Robert Boikess, Chair
The committee discussed the following:
- Student Evaluation of Teaching: The committee is making a recommendation on how to conduct student evaluations to improve response rates and to include questions that will help instructors to improve their teaching.
- GREs and Graduate Studies: The committee identified that some departments have specific needs, such as for international students, that the GRE helps address and would like to see if the GRE could be required by specific graduate programs. The University of Michigan is discussing the elimination of the GRE.
- Part-Time Lecturers (PTLs) and Honors College: The committee is considering differentiating between different types of part-time lecturers. The committee is also waiting to hear back from Dean J.D. Bowers about putting the resolution on the Honors College on the agenda for the next meeting.
- In the discussion that followed, it was suggested that the Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee and the Academic Affairs Committee should jointly meet with the School of Graduate Studies to discuss the GRE.
7. New Business
There was no new business.
8. Old Business
- Faculty Dining Hall Closures: The Executive Committee considered developing a statement regarding the Faculty Dining Hall closures, but this did not occur. Salvador Mena, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, answered the Faculty Council’s previous questions on this matter. If the Council seeks to take action beyond this, the issue can go to one of its committees.
- Class Scheduling: Chair Gasman explained that she has worked on scheduling of late classes but does not plan to work on it further due to a lack of new data, as well as varying student and faculty needs and opinions on it. A committee is welcome to work on the issue.
- Dean Searches: Members expressed concerns about the lack of transparency and communication during the current searches. They feel that the university administration is refusing to engage in shared governance. Chair Gasman will work on getting dean search information on the NBFC website, forward the University Senate Resolution about dean searches, and refresh the institutional memory on what has been done in past searches. The Council seeks to be proactive and pragmatic in working with administration on searches. A committee can look into what has previously done in relation to searches. If transparency and communication do not improve, the Council will consider passing a resolution on searches.
- Faculty Governance/Student Affairs: Faculty members recently received an email about an ad hoc committee for a 4+ 1 program. They were given short notice.
- Disability Services: Council members noted concerns that Disability Services have not been open in the evening. Chair Gasman will look into this issue.
Note: After the meeting, Chair Gasman spoke with Carlie Andrews, Senior Director of the Office of Disability Services (ODS), who provided the following information concerning ODS proctoring of late-night exams.
In general, ODS is not able to accommodate exams that start after 4:30 pm this semester. For students with late-night exams, there are a few different options:
- Faculty can always proctor the student with accommodations in the classroom or alternative space by starting the student early or having them finish late.
- ODS can start the student by 4:30 pm in the ODS test center the day of the exam.
- ODS can accommodate the student on a different day/time from the original exam.
The above applies to Monday-Friday only. On Sunday, ODS is currently open to proctor exams from 10-6 pm. Director Andrews would be happy to have conversations with concerned faculty/departments about how ODS might be able to partner with them to come up with a solution to their problems.
9. Adjournment
Chair Gasman adjourned the meeting at 3:11 pm..
Respectfully submitted:
Maria Skidmore, Office of the Chancellor-Provost