Meeting Agenda of December 12, 2016

New Brunswick Faculty Council
Agenda for Meeting #213
December 2, 2016, 1:10‐3pm
Committee meetings, 12 noon ‐ 1 PM
Brower Commons Rooms ABC

  1. Committee meetings before the full meeting

  2. Call to order

  3. Approval of the agenda

  4. Approval of the minutes of the meetings of March, April, September, and October 2016

  5. Administrative report: Chancellor Richard Edwards

  6. Invited guests: Matthew Wilk, Paul Hammond, and perhaps others from Classroom Support

  7. Chair's report

    • report as Chair

    • report as Faculty Athletics Representative

  8. Update on the Evaluation of Teaching (Mark Killingsworth)

  9. Committee Reports

  10. Other business

  11. Adjournment

Next NBFC meeting

January 27, 2017, 12 noon‐3pm (first hour devoted to committee meetings ‐ bring your own lunch); Brower Commons ABC