Meeting Minutes #201

Members Present: M. Baykal-Gursoy, S. Bhuyan, R. Boikess, S. Cirignano, M. Cotter (Chair), D. Fishman, M.Gasparotto, M. Gliserman, A. Hetling, P. Hirschfield, M. Katehakis, M. Joo, M. Killingsworth (Vice Chair), J. Kim, P. Klein, D. Kruse, J. Langsam, K. McKeever, L. Morrow, D. O'Connor, A. Pichugin, D. Redlawsk, S. Rubinstein, D. Scheck, M. Schwander, L. Struwe, T. Szatrowski, B. Tesar, K. Thompson, J. Zahn

Non-Members Present: M. Mickelsen (Assistant Recording Secretary)

1.         Call to Order – Martha Cotter, New Brunswick Faculty Council (NBFC) Chair

Council Chairperson Martha Cotter called the 201st meeting of the New Brunswick Faculty Council to order at 1:18 p.m. on Friday, February 27, 2015 in Room ABC in Brower Commons, College Avenue Campus.

2.         Approval of Agenda

The agenda was approved; Cotter noted that there would be breakout committee meetings during a recess of the main meeting, after which the main meeting would reconvene.

3.         Approval of January 30, 2015 Minutes

The Minutes of the January 30, 2015 NBFC meeting were approved as presented. It was noted that some members did not have an opportunity to sign in at the January 30 meeting, and that any such members should contact Ken Swalagin, Recording Secretary, if they need to be added.

4.         Chair's Report - Martha Cotter, NBFC Chair

NBFC Chair Martha Cotter's Chair's Report included comments on the following:

  • a 45 minute recess during the meeting for breakout committee meetings, after which the NBFC meeting would reconvene; and
  • there would be no administrative report.

5.         Resolution on Contract Negotiations – Robert Boikess

Robert Boikess presented and moved the New Brunswick Faculty Council Executive Committee's Report on the Resolution for Contract Negotiations. His motion was seconded and discussed.

  • Dan Fishman voiced concern and proposed an amendment to the statement "That these mass emails have contained a number of misstatements and misrepresentations has contributed to the poor relations between the administration and the rest of the University community." The motion was to strike that statement and replace it with: "The issuance and content of these mass emails may have contributed to the poor relations between the administration and the rest of the university community." Dave Scheck seconded this motion to amend, and it was discussed. After much discussion, the amendment was brought to a vote, but did not pass.
  • Paul Hirschfield proposed an amendment to the aforementioned statement by simply changing the word "misstatements" to "misleading statements". The motion was seconded by Sanjib Bhuyan, discussed, and brought to a vote. The amendment did not pass.
  • Saul Rubinstein proposed an amendment to be added to the end of the Resolution; "Be it further resolved we also urge the administration to communicate with faculty and staff about these negotiations solely through our duly elected union representatives." The motion was seconded, discussed, and brought to a vote. The amendment passed.
  • The Resolution on Contract Negotiations was brought to a vote with the Resolution as amended, and was adopted with one abstention, as follows:

                      New Brunswick Faculty Council Executive Committee

                      Resolution on Contract Negotiations


Now should be a time of unity, pride, and celebration at Rutgers as we approach the University's 250th anniversary. Instead there is a high level of discontent and frustration among faculty, staff, and students. Relations between the administration and the rest of the University community are at a low point. There are a number of factors contributing to this unfortunate situation but right now, the most important contributor by far is the lack of progress in contract negotiations

At Rutgers, 23 union contracts have expired in the last year or earlier; some faculty have been working without a contract for more than five years. Only one of those 23 contracts has been settled at this time, leading many to believe that the administration is not really committed to negotiating fair contracts for all faculty and staff.

Recently, the administration has adopted the unprecedented tactic of communicating directly with union members by mass emails, rather than communicating with them through their unions at the negotiating table. That these mass emails have contained a number of misstatements and misrepresentations has contributed to the poor relations between the administration and the rest of the University community.

The current climate of mistrust and rancor has made it impossible for the entire University community to come together to work toward the common goals expressed in the University Strategic Plan.


Be it resolved that the New Brunswick Faculty Council calls upon the Rutgers administration to move expeditiously and with maximum determination to reach agreements with all the faculty and staff unions whose contracts have expired in order to begin to restore the sense of unity and common purpose essential for Rutgers to achieve its goal of becoming one of the premier American public research universities. Be it further resolved we also urge the administration to communicate with the faculty and staff about these negotiations solely through our duly elected union representatives.

6.         Discussion of Issues Facing Part-Time Lecturers (PTLs)

Karen Thompson spoke briefly about issues facing PTLs, including:

  • acknowledgment;
  • compensation
  • health insurance benefits; and
  • union negotiations. 

7.         Recess for Committee Breakout Session

Cotter moved to recess the meeting at 1:55pm for 45 minutes for committee breakout sessions. All were in favor.

8.         Reconvening

The 201st NBFC meeting was called back to order at 2:44 p.m. by Chair Cotter.

9.         Standing Committee Reports

All Standing Committees gave reports on their current charges.

  • Faculty Affairs and Personnel Policy Committee – Dan O'Connor
  • Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions – Bob Boikess
  • Libraries and Academic Resources – Dan Fishman
  • Budget and Finance – Mark Killingsworth
  • Student Affairs – Ken McKeever
  • Curriculum, Teaching and Honors – Martha Cotter

10.       Old Business

There was no old business.

11.       New Business

There was no new business.

12.       Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 3:03 p.m.

Minutes written and submitted by,
Mary Mickelsen
Assistant Recording Secretary of the New Brunswick Faculty Council