Meeting Minutes #157
Members Present: R. Boikess, R. Bumby, B. Callaway, M. Cotter, J. Crowley, H. Davidson, D.Fishman, M. Flahive DiNardo, N. Glickman, M. Gliserman, S. Golbeck, M. Gursoy, H. Janes, T.Jiang, YS. Kim, P. Leath, K. McKeever, R. Marker, J. Markert, J. Miller, P. Panayotatos, A. Peterson, J. Reed, G. Rendsburg, J. Rubin, H. Sackrowitz, A. St. John, R. Schuler, J. Shapiro, T. Szatrowski, B. Turpin, R. Wilson
Non-Members Present: M. Devanas (Director of Faculty Development and Assessment Program, Center for Teaching Advancement and Assessment Research), P. Furmanski (Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs), R. Gallistel (Chair, SAS Ad Hoc Core Curriculum Committee), T. Jordan (Associate Director, Morse Academic Plan, New York University), K. McAdams (Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies, University of Maryland, College Park), C. Popkin (Chair, Slavic Department, Columbia University), D.K. Peterman (Associate Dean and Director of Academic Affairs, University of Pennsylvania), B. Qualls (Vice President for Undergraduate Education), V. Renzi, (Associate Director, Morse Academic Plan, New York University), K. Swalagin (Secretary), H. Waterman (Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Graduate School-NB)
1. Call to Order, and Teaching Conference Panel Discussion
Council Chairperson Martin Gliserman called the 157th meeting of the New Brunswick Faculty Council (NBFC) to order at 1:24 p.m. on October 12, 2007 in Treyes Hall of the Douglass Campus Center, Douglass Campus. Explaining that the guest speakers from that morning’s Teaching Conference would be leaving at 2:00, he opened a panel discussion featuring those speakers, as follows:
- Cathy Popkin, Chair of the Slavic department, Columbia University
- Trace Jordan and Vincent Renzi, Associate Directors, Morse Academic Plan, New York University
- Katherine McAdams, Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies, University of Maryland, College Park
- Kent Peterman, Associate Dean and Director of Academic Affairs, University of Pennsylvania
The guests spoke about their curricula, then responded to questions from council members.
[That portion of the meeting ended at 2:09 p.m.]
2. Approval of the Agenda and Minutes
The meeting agenda was approved. The Minutes of the September 21, 2007 New Brunswick Faculty Council meeting were approved with one correction (addition of C. McAnuff to the list of nonmembers present).
3. Report of the Chair - Martin Gliserman
Chairperson Gliserman said that he would be giving everyone three or four questions on the institutional self-study for the Middle States accreditation [] to answer and channel to appropriate persons, and that the next Faculty Council meeting would include discussions on that self-study.
4. Administrative Report - Philip Furmanski, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Executive Vice President Furmanski presented an administrative report, which included comments on:
- groundbreaking for the Stem Cell Institute of New Jersey, scheduled for October 23;
- placement of Christopher J. Malloy in the position of dean of the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy;
- the ongoing search for a dean of the School of Arts and Sciences - New Brunswick;
- initiation of the review of University Librarian Marianne Gaunt, the next in the series of administrator reviews;
- budgetary issues; and
- the ongoing Middle States reaccreditation process.
Furmanski then responded to questions on subjects including:
- the university and state budgets, and related potential budget cuts; and
- followup and subsequent activities on completed administrator reviews.
5. Curriculum Discussion
Harriet Davidson commented, and responded to questions, on the developing SAS-NB core curriculum. A discussion on the curriculum, seminars, and related matters followed.
6. Old Business
There was no old business.
7. New Business
Martha Cotter thanked Martin Gliserman for again organizing the Annual Teaching Conference, and for similar leadership of the conference over the past decade.
8. Adjournment
Chairperson Gliserman adjourned the meeting at 2:59 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ken Swalagin