Recommendations on Required Expanded Course Descriptions



Concerned about the needs of students to know more about the courses offered in the University Schedule of Courses, including the textbooks and course materials required for these courses, the NBFC Executive Committee charged the Curriculum, Teaching, and Honors Committee (CTHC) as follows:

"Consider best practices for the posting of course syllabi, including what should be included in a course syllabus."

After much discussion the CTHC decided that the concept of a course syllabus meant different things to faculty in different disciplines, and so came up with the term "expanded course description" to describe what should be available, at a minimum, from a link in the University Schedule of Courses to all students for each course offered. In addition other useful information may be included.


Every course offered by the University in a given semester must have an internet link in the University Schedule of Courses which connects the reader to a web site with an "Expanded Course Description" for that course. This link must be established by the time of pre-registration for the course, or as soon as possible thereafter. This web site may be one that has been prepared by the instructor, the department, or the academic unit. It is the responsibility of each academic unit to see that these links are established for each course in that unit. The following is the minimum information that must be included in this expanded course description. Of course, additional useful information may be included.

Expanded Course Descriptions: Required Minimum Contents

Course Title and Academic Credits
Mode of Instruction (Lecture, Laboratory, On-Line, Seminar, etc.)
Course Prerequisites and Corequisites
Catalog Course Description
Learning Goals of Course
Required and Recommended Course Materials (including all ISBN numbers)
Policies for Exams, Assignments, Attendance, and Grading
Faculty Contact Information
Link to any course web site that has additional useful information


The New Brunswick Faculty Council approves the above recommendations for required expanded course descriptions.