Meeting Minutes #231
Members Present: J. Aiello, S. Bhuyan, R. Boikess, W. Carbonell-Nicolau, W. Castellano, B. Faga, M. Flahive-DiNardo, A. Gibney, M. Gliserman, J. Gonzalez, A. Gould, P. Hirschfield, T. Kuchi, J. Longo, K. McKeever, D. Miller, T. Ozel, A. Pichugin, I. Rauschenbach, F. Ryan, N. Shapley, T. Stephens, T. Szatrowski, K. Thompson, S. Westfall, E. Williams, R. Womack, L. Yu, J. Zahn, A. Zervigon
Non-Members Present: M. Cotter (Parliamentarian), P. Hammond (Assoc. Vice Chancellor, RU-NB), M. Mickelsen (NBFC Recording Secretary), D. Magnoni (Asst. Vice President for Information Services, NB Libraries), K. Navarro (Academic Support Services, Athletics Department), S. Walker (Academic Support Services, Athletics Department)
1. Call to Order – Sanjib Bhuyan, New Brunswick Faculty Council (NBFC) Chair
New Brunswick Faculty Council Chairperson Sanjib Bhuyan called the 231st meeting of the New Brunswick Faculty Council to order at 1:11 p.m. on Friday, April 26, 2019 in Room 120 of the Busch Student Center, Busch Campus. His report included comments on:
- this being his last meeting as chair and how much he enjoyed working with all the NBFC members and Executive Committee;
- an election to be held later in the meeting for next year’s Executive Committee;
- expressed thanks to Mary Mickelsen (NBFC Recording Secretary and University Senate Executive Secretary) and Morgan Nemes (University Senate Administrative Assistant) for the administrative support through the year;
- wrap up of this year’s work
- new and improved NFBC website;
- the effort to coordinate with other faculty councils on their inclusion in the University Policy Library;
- Vice Chancellor Pall Hammond will deliver the Administrative Report in place of Chancellor Molloy on today’s agenda
2. Approval of Agenda
The Agenda was approved
3. Approval of Minutes of March 15, 2019 Meeting
The March 15, 2019 NBFC Minutes were approved.
4. Administrative Report – Paul Hammond, Vice Chancellor, Rutgers-NB
Hammond gave an update on Infosilem (insert slides) and presented a live demonstration of the Instructor Availability Portal. He then answered questions on the following topics:
- how preferences are placed in the Infosilem system;
- how many options are available in the 9a-5p range – which is Periods 2-5;
- how the system coordinates with parking;
- what the provisions are for departmental overrides;
- simulations on Newark and Camden campuses.
5. Academic Services for Student Athletes – Scott Walker and Kristina Navarro, Academic Support Services, Athletic Department
Navarro and Walker gave the following presentation on Academic Support Services for Rutgers athletes and answered questions on the following topics:
- course and practice conflicts;
- how NCAA is changing how the student athlete is viewed;
- tutoring of student athletes and how long the tutoring is usually needed;
- how faculty can become more involved in supporting the student athlete to ensure optimal success.
6. New Brunswick Media Services – Dee Magnoni, Director and Asst. Vice Present for Information Services, New Brunswick Libraries
Magnoni gave an overview of streaming media and how faculty can access them for their classes. The following handout (insert handout) was distributed by Magnoni on the workflow process to request media for institutional purposes. She then answered questions on the following topics:
- cost issues surrounding acquisition of media
- no cost-cap
- cost of institutional licensing
- media center funding cuts and who was responsible;
- how faculty can advocate for the libraries to the administration and how the Library Committee of the NBFC can assist.
5. Election of the NBFC Executive Committee
Martha Cotter, NBFC Parliamentarian, led the process for electing 2019-20 Council leadership. Nominations were made and members voted which resulted in the following:
- 2019-20 Council Executive Committee
- Chair: Tugrul Ozel
- Vice Chair: Ann Gould
- Immediate Past Chair: Sanjib Bhuyan
- EC Members:
- Robert Boikess
- Martha Cotter (non-voting)
- Ken McKeever
- Kathleen Morgan
- Sue Shapses
- Karen Thompson
5. Committee Reports
- Academic Affairs Committee - Robert Boikess
- Boikess reported his committee disappointment regarding a lack of a response with all that was done in regards to evaluation of teaching and asked the chair to follow-up with Barbara Lee, SVP for Academic Affairs.
- Athletic Affairs Committee – Ken McKeever
- McKeever presented the following resolution for review
- the resolution passed with 1 opposed
- McKeever presented the following resolution for review
- Budget, Planning, & Infrastructure – Ryan Womack and Triveni Kuchi, Co-Chairs
- Womack and Kuchi presented the final report on the parking survey ( and summarized the results. Chair Bhuyan will submit the report to Jack Molaanar, Director of Parking Services.
- Faculty and Personnel Affairs - Karen Thompson/Tugrul Ozel, Co-Chair
- Ozel presented the following resolution and supporting documents and the resolutions. The resolution passed with none opposed.
- Student Affairs – Sue Shapses, Chair
- Shapses reported her committee is drafting a proposal to include in syllabi general information for CAPS, the food pantry and contact information on quality of life. She will send the complete document to the Executive Committee and full council for the next meeting. She also reported they had a representative from CAPS attend their last meeting and she asked for more faculty engagement.
6. New Business
Resolution honoring Sanjib for his last 2-years of service to the NBFC and EC was passed.
7. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 3:45 p.m.
Written and submitted by:
Mary Mickelsen
NBFC Recording Secretary