Meeting Minutes #216

Members Present:  J. Aiello, O. Alidou, S. Bhuyan, R. Boikess, C. Brennan, S. Cirignano, M. Cotter, D. Fishman, M. Flahive DiNardo, J. Flieger, M. Gasparotto, M. Gliserman, P. Hirschfield, M. Killingsworth, T. Kuchi, K. Kwan, K. McKeever, R. Niederman, J. Rubin, J. Shandler, T. Stephens (Chair), T. Szatrowski, K. Thompson, J. Worobey, J. Zahn

Non-Members Present: R. Edwards (New Brunswick Chancellor), K. Swalagin (Recording Secretary), M. Mickelsen

1.    Call to Order – Tom Stephens, New Brunswick Faculty Council (NBFC) Chair
Council Chairperson Tom Stephens called the 216th meeting of the New Brunswick Faculty Council to order at 1:09 p.m. on Friday, March 31, 2017 in Busch Student Center Room 174, Busch Campus. 

2.    Approval of Agenda
The Agenda was approved as distributed.
3.    Approval of Minutes of February 24, 2017

The February 24, 2017 NBFC Minutes were approved with one change to the attendance.

4.    Chair's Report - Tom Stephens, New Brunswick Faculty Council Chair

Council Chair Tom Stephens' Chair's Report included comments on:

  • NBFC elections for chair, vice chair, and Executive Committee members to be held at the next meeting;
  • NBFC unit elections pending in departments;
  • Michelle Norin will return at the next NBFC meeting to speak about academic freedom and IT; and
  • the as yet unannounced selection of a new New Brunswick chancellor.

5.    Administrative Report - Richard Edwards, New Brunswick Chancellor

New Brunswick Chancellor Richard Edwards' administrative report included comments on:

  • his continuing as New Brunswick Chancellor until June 30, 2017;
  • ongoing searches for deans of the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, and the School of Management and Labor Relations, as well as for a new Zimmerli director;
  • various activities related to diversity, inclusion, and community values; and
  • an upcoming event featuring Harry Belafonte and Susan Robeson on April 5.

Edwards then responded to questions, or heard comments, on the above subjects.

6.    NBFC Teaching Conference - Martin Gliserman

Martin Gliserman, Teaching Conference organizer, spoke about the upcoming October 27 Teaching Conference, which will be held in the Busch Student Center.

7.    Chancellor's Committee on Evaluation of Teaching - Mark Killingsworth

Mark Killingsworth reported on the ongoing work of the Chancellor's Committee on Evaluation of Teaching, of which he is a member. He said the task force report is done in a polished first draft, and has been sent to Richard Edwards, Barbara Lee, and Tom Stephens, and is expected to be posted online soon. He summarized the report's recommendations, and responded to questions.

[The Council recessed from 2:07 p.m. to 2:13 p.m.]

8.    Committee Reports

Budget and Planning Committee (BPC): BPC Chair Mark Killingsworth presented a Resolution on the Financial Situation of the Rutgers Athletics Program, which had been sent back to the BPC for further discussion and wordsmithing at the previous Council meeting, was discussed, and adopted. Stephens will send the resolution to Chancellor Edwards.

Curriculum, Teaching and Honors Committee (CTHC): CTHC Chair Martha Cotter spoke about, and led a discussion of, course management systems. She said she would write a report based on the discussion.

[At 3:00 p.m., Robert Boikess successfully moved to extend the meeting time by 20 minutes.]

Faculty and Personnel Affairs Committee (FPAC): FPAC Chair Jeff Friedman was not present at the meeting, but FPAC Member Karen Thompson responded to some questions during discussion of the FPAC's work on a report on search and hiring of future presidents, and other items. This agenda item will come back to the NBFC at the next meeting.

Student Affairs Committee (SAC): SAC Chair Ken McKeever spoke about discussions of how students with disabilities accommodated on the New Brunswick/Piscataway campuses, and also about affordability of textbooks. He suggested that the NBFC resolve that there be a faculty committee that interacts more closely with athletics, beyond just the budgetary issues. Stephens said he would do something to create such a subcommittee of the SAC. Martha Cotter mentioned the University Senate's April 2010 Report on Accessibility of Student Services.

9.    Other Business: Stephens asked Ken Swalagin about electing a replacement for the remainder of the University Senate at-large New Brunswick term currently occupied by Martha Cotter, who is retiring. Swalagin replied that Chancellor Edwards has been asked to conduct an election for all three at-large New Brunswick Senate positions, which will all become vacant at the end of this academic year. Stephens also spoke about the upcoming elections for NBFC chair, vice chair, and Executive Committee members.

10.    Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 3:13 p.m.

Minutes written and submitted by,
Ken Swalagin
Recording Secretary of the New Brunswick Faculty Council