Meeting Minutes #213

Members Present:  J. Aiello, D. Ballentine, R. Boikess, C. Brennan, S. Connolly, M. Cotter, G. D'Arcangelo, D. Fishman, J. Flieger, J. Friedman, M. Gasparotto, M. Gliuserman, A. Hetling, P. Hirschfield, Y. Hung, K. John-Alder, M. Kiessling, M. Killingsworth, D. Knight, D. Kruse, T. Kuchi, C. Lugg, M. MacKenzie, M. Mayer, K. McKeever, R. Niederman, T. Ozel, A. Pichugin, J. Pietruska, M. Rockland, J. Shandler, R. Shwom, T. Stephens (Chair), T. Szatrowski, P. Takhistov, K. Thompson, J. Worobey, L. Yu, J. Zahn, D. Zimmerman

Non-Members Present: R. Edwards (New Brunswick Chancellor), P. Hammond, K. Swalagin (Recording Secretary), M. Wilk, D. Wyrtzen

1.    Call to Order – Tom Stephens, New Brunswick Faculty Council (NBFC) Chair
Council Chairperson Tom Stephens called the 213th meeting of the New Brunswick Faculty Council to order at 1:10 p.m. on Friday, December 2, 2016 in Brower Commons Room ABC, College Avenue Campus. 

2.    Approval of Agenda
Chair Stephens asked that the previously distributed agenda be modified to place Chancellor Edwards' Administrative Report first on the agenda. The Council adopted the agenda change.
3.    Administrative Report - Richard Edwards, New Brunswick Chancellor

New Brunswick Chancellor Richard Edwards' administrative report included comments on:

  • Rutgers students winning the College Fed Challenge;
  • Scarlet and Black: An Exploration of the African American and Native American Experience at Rutgers;
  • a presentation by John Farmer and John Cohen on homeland security; and
  • a recent knife attack at the School of Business.

Edwards then responded to questions, or heard comments, on the above subjects, as well as:

  • antiviolence activities and programs, and vulnerable students; and
  • sanctuary, and related legal matters.

4.    Chair's Report - Tom Stephens, New Brunswick Faculty Council Chair

Council Chair Tom Stephens began his Chair's Report with comments about Tony Calcado's September presentation on parking. He asked Council members to contact Calcado directly if they wanted additional information. The Chair's Report was interrupted by a fire alarm, which necessitated evacuating the building. When the meeting reconvened, there was discussion of the safety issues surrounding the inability of those persons in wheelchairs to evacuate the building without using the elevators.

5.    Digital Classroom Services Presentation - Paul Hammond, Matthew Wilk, and Dave Wyrtzen

Paul Hammond, Assistant New Brunswick Vice Chancellor, and Matthew Wilk and Dave Wyrtzen, of Digital Classroom Services, spoke to the Council about facilities and classroom construction in New Brunswick.

6.    Review and Approval of Minutes of March, April, September, and October 2016 Minutes

Martha Cotter spoke about what she believed were inaccuracies in the April 2016 NBFC minutes. She noted that they were generally correct, but needed revisions to the sections on the two statements being approved at that meeting, and that the statement on presidential search should be modified to include other administrators besides the president. The April minutes were then approved with those changes, which Cotter will implement.

4.1.    Chair's Report (Continued)  - Tom Stephens, New Brunswick Faculty Council Chair

Tom Stephens continued his Chair's Report, focusing on discussion of a resolution that had been adopted by the Council's Executive Committee regarding condemning Watchlist, and related issues. Mark Killingsworth moved a substitute resolution, which was also discussed. Following discussion, during which suggestions were made but no motions were adopted, the question was called, and the original, Executive Committee resolution was adopted, as follows:

"The New Brunswick Faculty Council calls on President Barchi to assume a very public leadership role in condemning Watchlist and all other such attempts to harass and intimidate faculty members.

"We further call on him to pledge that his administration will guarantee that any Rutgers faculty members identified on such lists will suffer no negative consequences within the University as a result."

7.    Update on Evaluation of Teaching - Mark Killingsworth

Mark Killingsworth presented an update on evaluation of teaching. He said that he had a discussion with Barbara Lee, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, and that he had given her a University Senate report on that subject which bore her name. He also said that the committee addressing evaluation of teaching had heard from Monica Devanas about the existing Student Instructional Ratings Survey system, that it would be discussing a survey of Big Ten schools and details of individual universities' systems, and would be emailing students and faculty to solicit comment.

8.    Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 3:19 p.m.

Minutes written and submitted by,

Ken Swalagin
Recording Secretary of the New Brunswick Faculty Council