Meeting Minutes #192
Members Present: S. Bhuyan, R. Boikess, L. Carbone, C. Clauss-Ehlers, S. Connolly, M. Cotter (Chairperson), J. DeFilippis, M. Doerfel, D. Fishman, Z. Gajic, M. Gliserman, T. Glynn, S. Gully, A. Haugerud, A. Howard, H. Janes, M-K. Joo, M. Killingsworth, J-H. Kim, D. Kumar, D.C. Lammerts, X. Liu, N. Minsky, L. Morrow, D. O'Connor, L. Runnels, K. St. Martin, S. Selim, L. Schein, J. Scheinbeim, M. Schwander, T. Stephens, L. Struwe, T. Szatrowski, Z. Tan, K. Thompson, C. Uslay, W. Ward, R. Welch, E. Williams, L. Yu
Non-Members Present: R. Edwards, K. Swalagin (Recording Secretary)
1. Call to Order – Martha Cotter, New Brunswick Faculty Council (NBFC) Chairperson
Council Chairperson Martha Cotter called the 192nd meeting of the New Brunswick Faculty Council (NBFC) to order at 1:17 p.m. on Friday, October 11, 2013 in Room AB of Brower Commons, College Avenue Campus. She said that she had been elected chair for a two-year term in accordance with a bylaws amendment changing the chair's term in office from one to two years. She then welcomed new and continuing members, and asked anyone who had not selected a standing committee to submit a form to do so (Forms were available at the meeting.).
2. Approval of Agenda
The agenda for this meeting, as distributed by the chair, including time limits, was approved.
3. Approval of Minutes of April 26, 2013
The Minutes of the April 26, 2013 NBFC meeting were corrected and approved.
4. Chair's Report and Introduction of Committee Chairs and Charges - Martha Cotter, NBFC Chairperson
Chairperson Cotter summarized the April 26, 2013 NBFC meeting, including:
- Bylaws changes:
- every academic department is entitled to elect a representative to the NBFC, and small departments may join together to elect a single representative;
- members representing campus communities are no longer included in the roster;
- chair elected for a two-year term (formerly one year);
- and the results of July balloting on bylaws changes, which were affirmative far in excess of the required two-thirds;
- updating, and plans for continued updating, of the NBFC website;
- docketing on this meeting's agenda of election of the NBFC Executive Committee; and
- her overarching goal of making the Council once again a strong and respected voice for the faculty, and to revitalize the standing committees.
Cotter then summarized a handout listing standing committee membership, chairs, standing charges, and pending, specific charges. Committee chairs present spoke, and participated in discussion, about their respective charges, plans, and ongoing activities.
5. Administration Report – Richard Edwards, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Richard Edwards, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, presented an administrative report which included comments on:
- strategic planning;
- ongoing administrative searches; and
- plans for an Honors College.
Edwards then responded to questions, or heard comments, on the above and additional subjects including:
- rumors (unfounded) of early retirement packages for faculty;
- separation of funds for new construction from those for maintenance;
- recommendation for establishing a website detailing construction projects;
- timeline for formal legitimization of the NBFC in Rutgers policies;
- data collection related to bus and class schedules;
- the need for replacing Rutgers' antiquated computer systems; and
- SAS-NB faculty hiring and deficit.
6. Election of Vice Chair and Members of the Executive Committee
Ballots for election of NBFC vice chair and Executive Committee members were distributed in hardcopy. For the position of vice chair, Mark Killingsworth was the sole nominee. The Executive committee consists of the chair, vice chair, immediate past chair, and five additional members. For those five additional member positions, nominated were: Sanjib Bhuyan, Robert Boikess, Martin Gliserman, Kenneth McKeever, Thomas Stephens, Karen Thompson, and Zoran Gajic (nominated from the floor by Karen Thompson). Completed ballots were collected.
7. Proposed Resolution in Support of Adding a Foundational Element on Governance, Academic Freedom, and Leadership to the Strategic Plan Framework - Martha Cotter
Cotter presented a proposed resolution in support of adding a foundational element on governance, academic freedom, and leadership to the strategic plan framework. The proposed resolution had been distributed in hardcopy at the meeting, and linked to the online agenda. Calling upon Vice Chairperson Killingsworth to assume the chair while she presented this item, Cotter explained that she had chaired an ad hoc task force of fellow University Senate members who quickly developed the additional foundational element, and noted that it would be docketed for University Senate action in one week. Following discussion, the question was called. The resolution was adopted without opposition.
8. Committee-of-the-Whole Discussion on Possible NBFC Responses to the Strategic Plan
On motion by Mark Killingsworth, seconded by Harry Janes, the NBFC was moved into committee-of-the-whole to discuss possible responses to the strategic plan. Suggestions included requests for the NBFC to receive additional administrative/staff support, recognized status in University Policy, legislative powers, and other elements comparable to those of similar bodies at peer institutions. Also discussed were concepts including:
- building on faculty excellence and a robust core of arts and sciences;
- interdisciplinary and inter-unit cooperation and collaboration;
- budgeting models and structure;
- criteria for promotion and tenure;
- envisioning the university of the future;
- transparency;
- diversity and inclusion;
- transforming the student experience;
- budgeting, and allocation of resources; and
- the impact of the NBFC and other shared-governance bodies on Rutgers generally.
9. Old Business
There was no old business.
10. New Business
There was no new business.
15. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 3:28 p.m.
Minutes written and submitted by,
Ken Swalagin
Recording Secretary of the New Brunswick Faculty Council