Meeting Minutes #188
Members Present: R. Boikess, M. Cotter, D. Fishman, T. Gerhard, T. Glynn, M. Joo, J. Kim, D. Lammerts, K. McKeever, M. Killingsworth, N. Minsky, R. Niederman, D. O’Connor (Chairperson), D. Redlawsk, H. Sackrowitz, L. Schein, M. Schwander, J. Shapiro, G. Springs Jr., T. Szatrowski, K. Thompson, R. Wilson
Non-Members Present: R. Edwards, K. Swalagin (Recording Secretary)
1. Call to Order and Chairperson’s Report – Daniel O’Connor, NBFC Chairperson
Council Chairperson Daniel O’Connor called the 188th meeting of the New Brunswick Faculty Council (NBFC) to order at 1:20 p.m. on Friday, November 9, 2012 in Room ABC of Brower Commons, College Avenue Campus.
2. Approval of Agenda and Minutes
The agenda for this meeting, and the Minutes of the September 28, 2012 NBFC meeting were adopted.
3. Administrative Report – Richard L. Edwards, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Richard Edwards, Interim Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, presented an administrative report which included comments on:
- commencement plans;
- UMDNJ/Rutgers merger plans, progress, and integration issues in a broad variety of areas;
- strategic planning perspectives, processes, and contractor interviews;
- higher education reorganization legislation, and related issues of malpractice insurance, bonds and debt, and revenues and expenses;
- accreditation issues related to UMDNJ;
- central-administration position changes and searches; and
- recent weather-related issues.
Edwards then responded to questions or heard comments on the above, as well as:
- possible extension of “W” grade deadlines after Hurricane Sandy;
- other Hurricane Sandy issues, including protection of animals at SEBS, housing and dining services continuation during the storm, communication systems, and the decision not to change the academic calendar;
- administrative reorganization, particularly relating to provost, chancellor, and vice presidential positions; Rutgers’ use of all-funds budgeting, and budgeting systems currently in use by UMDNJ;
- NBFC input to, and membership on, UMDNJ integration and other administrative committees; expectations for changes in state-budgeted support for Rutgers; and
- the timeline on the facilities master plan.
4. Chairperson’s Report – Daniel O’Connor, New Brunswick Faculty Council Chairperson
Dan O’Connor, NBFC Chairperson, presented a chairperson’s report which included comments on:
- NBFC membership on, and input to, Strategic Planning Committee and Facilities Planning Committee;
- status of the survey of NBFC representatives and respective department chairs (the survey should be sent out shortly, and the email to department chairs has already been sent);
- some suggested modifications of the survey questions;
- plans to contact departments or deans to ensure comprehensive NBFC membership, and to clarify terms; and
- the NCAA Faculty Athletics Representative report (which was distributed to the NBFC).
5. NBFC Specific Committee Charges and Expected Actions/Reports
Specific committee charges for each NBFC standing committee, and related expected outcomes, were discussed. Committees are to meet before each Council meeting.
6. Open Discussion of Faculty Issues
There was an open discussion of faculty issues, including:
- how to motivate more NBFC members to attend meetings;
- lack of a Rutgers policy definition of “faculty member,” and possible assignment of this issue to the NBFC’s Faculty Affairs and Personnel Policy Committee; and
- extension of continued invitations to Tom Stephens, Faculty Athletics Representative, to report to the Council in the spring.
7. New Business
There was no new business.
8. Old Business
The issue, raised by Ted Szatrowski at a prior meeting, of deans telling faculty they cannot schedule makeup classes in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, was discussed. It was suggested that, if a dean creates a problem, it is the role of the NBFC to bring it to the attention of Executive Vice President Edwards.
There was some discussion of the lack of availability of forums for addressing certain kinds of faculty issues, and of ways to expedite and facilitate faculty governance.
9. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 3:17 p.m.
Minutes written and submitted by,
Ken Swalagin
Recording Secretary of the New Brunswick Faculty Council