Meeting Minutes # 176

Minutes of the 176th New Brunswick Faculty Council Meeting
May 14, 2010

Members Present: R. Boikess, M. Cotter, J. Crowley, J. Walkup (for D. Fishman), M. Flahive DiNardo, T. Gerhard, N.Glickman, R. Larrier, G. McGhee, K. McKeever, J. Markert, N. Minsky, L. Nepomnyaschy, A. Norris, P. Panayotatos, S. Gully (for J. Phillips), J. Reed, L. Rodenburg, H. Sackrowitz, A. St. John, R. Schwarzschild, J. Shapiro, T. Szatrowski, K. Thompson, S. Tomasello, G. Werlen, L. Wiggins, R. Wilson, L. Windsor

Non-Members Present: P. Furmanski, K. Swalagin (Recording Secretary)

1.  Call to Order - Robert Wilson, NBFC Chairperson

Council Chairperson Robert Wilson called the 176th meeting of the New Brunswick Faculty Council (NBFC) to order at 1:14 p.m. on Friday, May 14, 2010 in the Rutgers Student Center, Room 411ABC, College Avenue Campus.

2.  Approval of Agenda and Minutes

The current meeting agenda, and the Minutes of the April 2, 2010 NBFC meeting were approved.

3. Administrative Report - Philip Furmanski, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Philip Furmanski delivered an administrative report, which included comments on:

  • Governor Christie’s budget proposal, which includes a 15.5-percent decrease in Rutgers’ base budget, and a tuition cap of 4 percent;
  • recent faculty honors and awards, including election of two more Rutgers faculty to national academies;
  • recent student accolades, honors and scholarships; enrollment and retention, both of which are increasing; and
  • the upcoming first, Sunday trial of an all-university commencement.

Furmanski then responded to questions, or heard comments, on topics including:

  • the upcoming weekend’s three-day Greek Festival at St. George Greek Orthodox Church in Piscataway, which
  • could affect logistics for Sunday’s commencement activities;
  • possible state penalties for tuition increases that exceed the state-proposed cap;
  • percentages of Rutgers’ funding that comes from the state; and
  • other sources and relative levels of funding and revenues.

Executive Vice President Furmanski thanked the council for a good year, wished everyone a terrific summer, and expressed his hope that he would see everyone at Sunday’s commencement activities.

4. Presentation on Civic Engagement/Public Scholarship Pathway - Professor Maurice Elias, Academic Director

Professor Maurice Elias, Academic Director of the Civic Engagement and Service Education Partnerships (CESEP) Program, spoke about the background, purposes, activities and other aspects of the CESEP Program. He said that the program is currently working on a civic engagement assessment, and has piloted that for some incoming students through the Office of Student Life. Elias summarized the program’s future plans, including courses currently in development.

Additional information about the CESEP Program is available online at

Professor Elias then responded to questions, or heard comments, on related topics that included:

  • whether the program is required or optional for undergraduates (It is optional.);
  • praise for the concept, and the importance of instilling in students an understanding of public research and scholarship;
  • how the CESEP and similar programs help Trenton understand what Rutgers does for the state;
  • which students may participate in the program, and on what schedules;
  • a suggestion that the program contact faculty who teach relevant courses so they can bridge the disciplines and inform their students; and
  • a request for additional, specific information that can be passed along to students.

5. Faculty Affairs and Personnel Policy Committee (FAPPC), Report on Survey on Retirement Issues - Paul Panayotatos, FAPPC Chair

Paul Panayotatos, chair of the NBFC’s Faculty Affairs and Personnel Policy Committee (FAPPC), summarized the background and findings of his committee on its continuing charge and survey on retirement issues. Discussion also included comments and questions about the recent one-time retirement program offered to eligible faculty, the importance of non-monetary retirement issues, interactions with TIAA-CREF and other faculty retirement plans and options, and engaging faculty who have had successful retirement experiences in dialogues with current faculty considering retirement.

The FAPPC charge on this matter is continuing.

6. Libraries and Academic Resources Committee (LARC), Report on Open-Access Policies Issues - Andrew Norris, Interim LARC Chair

Andrew Norris, interim chair of the NBFC’s Libraries and Academic Resources Committee (LARC), addressed the council on the LARC’s discussions and findings related to open-access policies and issues. There was general discussion of open access issues and costs.

7. Old Business

There was no old business.

8. New Business

Paul Panayotatos told the council that he had been contacted by a journalist asking about Rutgers faculty’s opinion about the idea of Rutgers joining the Big Ten, and the expansion of the Big Ten generally. Following considerable discussion of the issue, on which a wide range of ideas were expressed, it was the conclusion of the council that there is no single position of Rutgers faculty on this issue.

9. Motion in Appreciation of Service of 2009-2010 NBFC Chairperson Robert Wilson

NBFC Vice Chair and 2010-2011 Chair-Elect Ken McKeever made a motion thanking Robert Wilson for this year’s excellent service as New Brunswick Faculty Council chair. The motion was seconded and adopted unanimously.

10. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 2:43 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Ken Swalagin
Recording Secretary