Meeting Minutes #169
Members Present: M. Baykal-Gursoy, R. Boikess, R. Bumby, M. Cotter, J. Crowley, P. Findley, D. Fishman, P. Gambarota, N. Glickman, M. Gordon, T. Jiang, G. McGhee, K. McKeever, J. Markert, N. Peterson, J. Phillips, E. Ramsamy, J. Reed, H. Sackrowitz, A. St. John, J. Shapiro, T. Szatrowski,G. Taghon, K. Thompson, S. Tomasello, M.B. Weber, G. Werlen, L. Wiggins, R. Wilson
Non-Members Present: P. Furmanski, A. Mukherjee, K. Swalagin (Recording Secretary), C. Yanni
1. Call to Order - Norman Glickman
Council Chairperson Norman Glickman called the 169th meeting of the New Brunswick Faculty Council (NBFC) to order at 1:13 p.m. on Friday, March 6, 2009 in the Graduate Student Lounge of the Rutgers Student Center, College Avenue Campus. The meeting agenda was approved by the Council.
2. Approval of Minutes
The Minutes of the January 30, 2009 NBFC meeting were approved.
3. Administrative Report - Philip Furmanski
Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Philip Furmanski presented an Administrative Report, which included comments on:
- snow-related cancellation of classes while the campus remained open on Monday, March 2;
- the Rutgers and New Jersey budgets, both current and next year’s, and related measures planned or implemented by Rutgers and the state to deal with budget reductions;
- the federal economic stimulus plan, and its potential benefits for Rutgers and higher education in New Jersey and generally;
- appointment of Tim Pernetti as Rutgers’ new Director of Intercollegiate Athletics,
- a request that Mr. Pernetti address the NBFC at its April meeting, to which the council agreed.
Furmanski then responded to questions on, or heard comments about, the above topics, as well as the following subjects:
- representation on the NBFC by the college communities/residential units, to which Furmanski replied that the matter should be discussed, and perhaps elections should be scheduled;
- what, if any, progress has been made regarding last year’s NBFC resolution on official recognition of the council, to which Furmanski replied that he would follow up on the matter; and
- admissions and recruitment.
4. Report on Classroom Renovations - Carla Yanni, Assistant Vice President for Undergraduate Academic Affairs
Carla Yanni, Assistant Vice President for Undergraduate Academic Affairs, and chair of the Renovation Committee, gave a report on classroom renovations. The PowerPoint slides supporting the report are available online at Yanni also directed the council to additional online resources at and (for information on enhanced classroom support).
Yanni, and Arun Mukerjee, Director of Scheduling and Space Management, then responded to questions, or heard comments, on related topics, including:
- plans for specific classrooms and auditoriums;
- the schedule and timing of renovations;
- the process enabling and soliciting faculty input on classroom-renovation planning; and
- furnishing classrooms.
5. Progress of Undergraduate Education - Barry Qualls, Vice President for Undergraduate Education
Barry Qualls, Vice President for Undergraduate Education, reported on plans and activities of theOffice of Undergraduate Education.
6. Report of Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee and Academic Integrity Policy Committee - Martha Cotter
Martha Cotter briefed the council on activities and plans related to formulation of Rutgers’ permanent academic integrity policy, particularly as they relate to the new, university-wide Academic Integrity Policy Committee, which had held its first meeting, and divided itself into subcommittees, one of which is researching other AAU public research universities' academic integrity policies, and another which is meeting and talking with members of Rutgers' academic units about experiences with the current policy as well as what they'd like to see in the new policy. She noted that the council’s Academic Standards, Regulations and Admissions Committee, chaired by Robert Boikess, is also working on its charge related to developing a new, permanent policy on academic integrity.
7. New Business
Chairperson Glickman asked the council if the May meeting should be for members only. The council agreed that April 3 would be a members-only meeting, at which the council would discuss directions in which it should be moving.
8. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 2:58 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ken Swalagin, Recording Secretary