Meeting Minutes #160
Members Present: J. Bliss, S. Brill, R. Bumby, B. Callaway, J. Cantor, M. Cotter, P. Findley, H. Fisher, M. Flahive Di Nardo, N. Glickman, M. Gliserman, M. Gursoy, S. Harrington, H. Janes, R. Larrier, P. Leath, M. Lesk, K. McKeever, R. Marker, J. Markert, J. Miller, F. Popper, J. Rubin, H. Sackrowitz, A. St. John, K. St. Martin, R. Schuler, J. Shapiro, T. Szatrowski, K. Thompson, B. Turpin, R. Wilson
Non-members Present: John Fitzgerald (Recording Secretary), Jim Kline (Rutgers Student Assembly), Carla Yanni
1. Call to Order – Martin Gliserman
Council Chairperson Martin Gliserman called the 160th meeting of the New Brunswick Faculty Coucil (NBFC) to order at 1:15 PM in the Cook Campus Center, Room 202, Cook Campus.
2. Approval of the Agenda and Minutes
The day’s agenda, with potential for modifications, and the Minutes of the December 2007 New Brunswick Faculty Council meeting, with a note regarding a clarification of the summary of Ziva Galili’s presentation, were approved.
3. Chair’s Report – Martin Gliserman
Martin Gliserman has no Chair’s Report.
4. Administrative Report – EVPAA Furmanski
Vice Present Furmanski presented the Administrative Report with three main topics:
First he discussed the forum taking place Thursday, January 28th regarding the stadium expansion. He noted that the forum is intended to provide information to the Rutgers community; he also noted that the Board of Governors is intending to take up the issue on January 29th; and he emphasized he meeting’s importance as the proposal represents the largest single construction project undertaken by Rutgers in its history.
Second, he noted that the Middle States reaccredidation is now complete and discussed the self-study.
Third, he discussed the state budget and the potential operating funds from the state.
Audience members then asked questions regarding the potential podcast or webcast of the state budget announcement and questions about the stadium expansion proposal and the upcoming forum.
5. Athletics Report – Tom Stephens – agenda error.
6. Jim Kline, chair of Rutgers Student Assembly
Kline introduced himself and explained his position and the Student Assembly’s goal to make the spring semester more efficient than the fall. He discussed several issues pertaining to the student government: affordable textbooks, with successes in the progress of a textbook rental program and future meetings with the state; the academic integrity policy and the assembly’s upcoming recommendation to the university senate; student computing labs’ and printing limits ; availability of more 24-hour study spaces at certain times of academic calendar; working with state to cohost a community service conference in early April.
Kline then answered questions from the audience regarding his presentation, particularly his comments on the Academic Integrity Policy and money exchanged between students for placement in filled classes. Vice President Furmanski made extended comments on Kline's presentation.
7. Harassment Policy Report – Randall Schuler
Randall Schuler, standing in for the chair of the Personnel committee, detailed progress on the Committee's consideration of the University’s Harassment Policy and noted that next month’s Faculty Council meeting will have a detailed report on the harassment policy. He discussed the basics of the policy’s confidentiality and fairness aspect and noted that in a harassment situation, there are several possibilities for the student: go to the chairperson of the department, go to the harassment office and make an informal complaint, file a formal complaint, or seek consultation. He also discussed the options for accused faculty members in the different situations.
8. Forum on Stadium Expansion (Thursday, 1/24/08:57PM Livingston) – Martin Gliserman
Chairperson Gliserman discussed the previous meeting’s remarks from President McCormick and the Faculty Council’s sponsorship of the forum on stadium expansion. He asked the Council if the body was comfortable with his rejection of a position to sit on the panel as a “neutral moderator” (Furmanski’s words) at the forum, which raised a series of questions from council members mainly directed towards EVPAA Furmanski.
[Chairperson Gliserman then announced a five minute break, during which time Carla Yanni arrived.]
9. Classroom Upgrades – Carla Yanni
Carla Yanni explained her presence in the hopes of opening up a dialogue with the Faculty Council regarding the classroom upgrades and the Classroom Renovation Committee, and fielded questions and concerns from the Council regarding certain classroom noise issues and transformation of classrooms into “smart” classrooms with higher technology.
10. Old Business
There was no old business.
11. New Business
There was no new business.
12. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 2:42 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
John Fitzgerald