Resolution on the Proposed Restructuring of NJ Public Research Universities


Whereas, the New Brunswick Faculty Council (NBFC) is dedicated to the goal of bringing New Jersey public research universities, and Rutgers University in particular, into the top tier of public universities and believes that any restructuring of public higher education in the State must have the promotion of excellence as it primary goal, and

Whereas, the NBFC believes that a well-planned and well-supported restructuring that would unite the health sciences with the arts and sciences and other professions in a single research university would be a major step toward achieving our goal of moving to the next level of excellence, and

Whereas, the NBFC discussed at length proposals to merge all or parts of the State’s public research universities at its meetings of December 8, 2006 and February 23, 2007, and

Whereas, an ad-hoc committee of members of the NBFC Executive Cabinet prepared a statement on restructuring which represents the consensus reached at those meetings.

Therefore, be it resolved that  the New Brunswick Faculty Council endorses the resulting Statement on Proposed Restructuring of NJ Public Research Universities and all the recommendations therein and requests the Chair of the Council to transmit the statement to Executive Vice President Furmanski, President McCormick, the University Senate, and the Chairs of the Rutgers Board of Governors and the Rutgers Board of Trustees.