Resolution to Establish an Ad-hoc Athletics Committee


Be it resolved that the New Brunswick Faculty Council hereby establishes an ad hoc committee on intercollegiate athletics. The charges to the committee shall be as follows:

1.    Governance: The committee shall

  • review the investigations of the University's decision-making and actions with respect to the behavior of the former basketball coach, Mike Rice; and
  • report to the NBFC and other appropriate bodies* on the findings and recommendations arising from the Committee's review.

2.    Budgeting: The committee shall

  • meet with University administrators (e.g., the athletic director and chief financial officer of the athletic program) to review the projected intercollegiate athletics budget for 2012-13;
  • meet with University administrators (e.g., the athletic director and chief financial officer of the athletic program) to review the preparation of the University's five-year plan for the intercollegiate athletics program; and
  • report to the NBFC and other appropriate bodies* on the findings and recommendations arising from the Committee's review.

3.    Entry into the Big Ten: The committee shall

  • meet with University administrators (e.g., the athletic director and chief financial officer of the athletic program) to review the University's plans and preparations for joining the Big Ten;
  • meet with University administrators (e.g., the athletic director and chief financial officer of the athletic program) to review projected expenses and revenues arising from the University's entry into the Big Ten; and
  • report to the NBFC and other appropriate bodies* on the findings and recommendations arising from the Committee's review.

* Including the acting athletic director; the search committee for the new athletic director; the academic oversight committee for intercollegiate athletics; and the executive vice president.