Meeting Agenda of September 2015
New Brunswick Faculty Council
Agenda for Meeting #205
September 25, 2015, 1:10 PM
Brower Commons Rooms ABC
Call to order: Martha Cotter, Acting Chair
Approval of the agenda
Approval of the minutes of the meeting of April 24, 2015
Chair's report: Mark Killingsworth, as presented by Martha Cotter
Administrative report: Chancellor Richard Edwards
questions and answers (15 minutes)
Election of Vice-chair and Executive Committee member for 2015-16
Committee membership and charges for 2015-16 (5 minutes)
Resolution on PTLs: Karen Thompson for the Executive Committee (15 minutes)
Old business
New business
Resolution on the Rutgers football program (25 minutes)
NB: After the NBFC meeting, all faculty are invited to an open house hosted by faculty and staff of the new Honors College. Tours will run from 1-4 pm. The Honors College is located at 5 Seminary Place, not far from Brower Commons.