Meeting Agenda of March 8, 2013
New Brunswick Faculty Council
Agenda for Meeting #190
March 8, 2013
Brower Commons, Rooms A
1:10 pm - 3:30 pm
- Call to Order
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of Minutes for February 1, 2013
- Administration Report by Dick Edwards, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs.
- Distribution of the Rutgers Strategic Planning Retreat document from the March 6, 2013 retreat
- Chair’s Report:
- VP Karen Stubaus has sent us a list of all NB/Piscataway tenure-track/tenured faculty which can be used to verify NBFC membership (see ByLaws change proposal below).
- Chair has failed to revive NBFC Committees. Need suggestions for how this might be accomplished.
- Pending Issues, Resolutions, Actions.
- Resolution on Athletic Budget from Spring 2012
- NBFC role in recommending FAR representative
- NBFC Strategic Planning Participation: March 6th / April retreats and March 15th meeting with Faculty Advisory representatives
- Strategic Planning Discussion: Faculty Perspectives [two page handout will be provided at NBFC meeting]
- Online Teaching Initiatives: MOOCs and related concerns
- Proposed ByLaws change.
- Current ByLaws specify one NBFC representative for departments with 15 or more tenure-track or tenured faculty. Departments smaller than that are aggregated to reach at least 15 total faculty.
- Proposed change is to allow for one representative for each department regardless of number of faculty (similar to a Senate).
- We might also discuss is three-year staggered terms should be continued.
- Old Business
- New Business
- Adjournment