Meeting Agenda of February 28, 2020
New Brunswick Faculty Council
Proposed Agenda for Meeting # 236
February 28, 2020
Committee meetings, 12:00 noon - 1 PM
Full meeting, 1:10 PM – 3 PM
Busch Campus Center Room 174
1. Call to order
2. Approval of the agenda
3. Approval of the minutes of the meeting of January 31, 2020
[available at the hyperlink:]
4. Chair's report – Tugrul Ozel
[Committee reports may start while we wait for the Administrative report]
5. Administrative report – Prabhas Moghe, NB Provost
Topic: the Outcomes and Insights from the COACHE Faculty Satisfaction Survey
6. Discussion on the Appeal to the Senate on not consulting with faculty about the implementation of Course Atlas.
7. Guest – Emily Kane, Chief of Staff, Rutgers University Student Assembly
Topic: Office of Student Conduct and potentially recruit faculty to help with hearings
8. Committee reports:
- Academic Affairs - Bob Boikess
- Athletics Affairs- Ken McKeever
- Budget, Planning, Infrastructure - Ryan Womack/ Tom Figueira
- Faculty and Personnel Affairs - Francois Berthiaume/Karen Thompson
- Student Affairs - Emily Greenfield/Haym Benaroya
9. New Business
10. Old Business
11. Adjournment
Remaining NBFC meetings, 2019-2020 AY:
March 13, 2020 Busch Student Center 174
April 24, 2020 Busch Student Center 120 (note room change)