Meeting Agenda of April 19, 2024

Rutgers - New Brunswick Faculty Council Meeting #265

1:10 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

(Committee meetings start at 12 noon)

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 973 0437 2658 
Password: NBFC 
(Note: this Zoom meeting will be recorded for meeting minutes purposes)


  1. 1:10-15: Call to order - Anna Haley, Chair


  2. 1:15-20: Chair's Report - Anna Haley, Chair


  3. 1:20-50: Discussion of Revised NBFC By-Laws - Facilitated by Chair as a Committee of the Whole
  4. 1:50-2:15: Discussion of Chancellor’s responses to Council resolutions - Facilitated by Chair

    • New pre-read document to be emailed by Wed., 4/17


  5. 2:15-40: Standing Committee Reports

    Committee:2023-24 Chairs:
    Student AffairsCrystal Akers & Ana Pairet Vinas
    Faculty and Personnel AffairsFrancois Berthiaume & Heather Pierce
    Academic AffairsTed Szatrowski
    AthleticsKen McKeever
    Budget, Planning, & InfrastructureTom Figueira


  6. 2:40-50: Report by Tom Stephens, NCAA Faculty representative


  7. Old Business


  8. New Business


  9. Adjournment



This was the last meeting for the 2023-24 academic year. Stay tuned for the dates of the 2024-25 academic year.